Faruzan build recommendations
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Regarding Optimal Rotations
For funneling particles to Faruzan
Skill --> Charged Shot --> Burst
For funneling particles to other units
Skill --> Burst --> Charged Shot
At C6 bear in mind the Charged shot portion of the rotation no longer becomes necessary since your burst will start activating the Pressurized Collapses instead.
As the premier Anemo support unit for Anemo dps based teams, Faruzan combines both high Anemo damage buffing with Anemo resistance shredding to become a cornerstone of any team that wants to focus on Anemo damage. Though building her means primarly focusing on dealing with her high energy requirements.
Regarding Weapon Choices
Usually only a better option at higher constellation levels such as [C6] where her energy needs can be met without Favonius passive particles.
It's worth mentioning that the extra Pressurized Collapse from a second E** wont give you any extra particles if it's within her 5.5 second particle generation cooldown.
Regarding Artifact Sets
This is her best option in teams that either wont benefit significantly from shred, or teams that already have another unit holding the aforementioned set.
This has similar usage cases to Noblesse Oblige except in that it requires Faruzan C6 for improved uptime through extra Pressurized Collapse activations.
Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
This set will give Faruzan her best personal damage output, assuming the team is already running Viridescent Venerer. Also if you're willing to invest more time farming substats it can potentially give you more Energy Recharge than running The Exile (2).
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Artifact stats priority
Substats priority
er crit rate crit dmg atk% atk
Talents Priority
- burst
- skill
- attack
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